2013년 12월 13일 금요일

Graphic print is in fashion!

Graphic print is in fashion!

We all know how clothes in solid, plain colors should be a staple to our closets.
 However, if you always go for plain clothes, your look will start to get boring and repetitive. 
To avoid this and to keep your look updated and interesting every time, 
you should consider wearing graphic print. 
Now, a lot of women tend to shy away from clothes with graphic prints on them
 because they aren’t sure how they could pull it off.
 If you’re one of these women who are looking for cool ways to wear graphic print, 
you’re in luck!

Graphic prints were huge on the fall/winter 2013 runways in New York, Paris, Milan and London. Although many of the graphic prints favored by designers were shown in black/white, 
there was also an array of colored prints on the runways which are spicing up the streets this autumn season.

Graphic print are being shown on everything imaginable including dresses, tops, pants, skirts and even jackets. 

Personally I love this trend on dresses and skirts. I am definitely on the hunt for the perfect graphic print dress! What do you think of this trend? How do you plan to wear it? Are you already rockin’ it?

I found a few fabulous graphic print pieces around the web and assembled them into the shopping widget below. Hope you love them! Happy shopping, and stay fabulous 

댓글 1개:

  1. Great prints! And really give any outfit a very sophisticated look! Actually I'm a big fan of graphic motifs in everything around me :) They look stylish both as a part of interior, in clothes and even in jewelry, like here http://blog.inselly.co/daily-featured-sellers-graphic-jewelry/#more-95 I guess the only place where straight lines look weird to me is in make up http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/graphic-eyeliner Although I should admit that this type of make up is quiet catchy!
