2013년 12월 12일 목요일

Be stylish with Muffler and scarf !

Be stylish with Muffler and scarf

As winters approach, mufflers and scarves are the fashion trend of the hour. It can be a simple shield against Mother Nature’s extremes, or a fashion accessory for the style conscious.

 Scarves come in all colors and styles to fit the latest in fashion styles.

This muffler with hot winter trend tartan check!

The scarves can be from rich thick woven styles to silky and designer label ridden flashes. Scarves can be easily adorned over all types of dresses to flaunt as a fashion accessory.

The latest casual fashion trends focus on thick and chunky hand woven wool scarves 
which crowd the neck area of the wearers. 
This performs the dual role of a fashion style accessory and a warmer. 
The styles with which the scarves are many and follow style trends
The scarves can be wrapped around the neck, tied in a knot or just left hanging loose according to the need of the wearer. 
The right style and the right type of scarf,
 if rightly worn can make the standing out difference in an outfit.
 The importance of scarves as a fashion accessory and a valid dressing option is vast.

This is how to wear muffler and scarf.

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